Circuit breakers are very popular devices that are used in commercial and residential buildings because of the many advantages it has over fuse. This device automatically shuts down an electrical current whenever the circuit is overloaded or a sudden short circuit occurs.
What Does A Circuit Breaker Do?
Circuit breakers are designed with a defined electric current load capacity, which when exceeded results to automatic circuit power shut down. Overloading occurs when the electric current in wires is stormed and conducts an electric charge far greater than the capacity of the wire. When this happens, the wires get heated up and could lead to an electrical fire or split up.
However, the risk of fire can be avoided by installing a circuit breaker with proper load capacity. Unlike Fuses which works just once, and needs to be replaced thereafter, circuit breakers can be manually or automatically reset to continue its normal operation.
Importance Of Proper Load Capacity For Your Circuit Breaker
Circuit breakers are available in different capacities. There are small breakers that protect an individual household appliance, and also larger sized breakers designed to protect high voltage circuits supplying an entire city with electrical power. They can also be found in other sizes, and are usually used in accordance with the specified electric load required to power the electrical appliances.
No matter the type of circuit breaker you make use of, it is important to ensure that it meets the proper load capacity. Nowadays, the typical house is fitted with either a 200amp or 100 amp electrical services, so you should only choose a circuit breaker capable of handling the load capacity of your home, and distribute the electrical power effectively throughout the house. Using a circuit breaker with insufficient load capacity can be very dangerous.
Circuit breakers are not failed proof, they can easily malfunction and create a series of problems if the electrical system exceeds its load capacity. This can lead to power getting cut throughout the home. Problems like this are not only hard to deal with, and the sudden loss of power can also damage your electrical appliances in the home.
As always, it is highly recommended to consult a licensed electrician to help determine the ideal circuit breaker that can handle your load capacity. This helps to prevent overload and any unforeseen occurrence that could occur from not choosing the right circuit breaker.
Why Choose Us
Circuit Breakers are very essential for electrical safety. They are responsible for the load that supplies power in our homes and help to protect your home from any threat of power trouble, especially from electrical wiring.
This is why you should contact only a licensed electrician to handle your electrical needs. Dub Electric is your go-to Electrician Southlake, TX contractor. We are the leading provider of electrical services in the Southlake, TX area and we have a track record of safety and quality. Get in touch with us today for your Electrician Southlake, TX services, don’t delay.